Locally Owned & Operated for over 30 years. Working to Build a Better Tomorrow! 5 locations throughout the Valley to serve you better! Complete line of quality building materials - Collect AIR MILES
Berwick Armoires de cuisines & cabinets
85 Middle Dyke Rd Port Williams, NS, B0P 1T0
Port Williams Entrepreneurs en toitures & couvreurs
14 Pelton Dr Kentville, NS, B4N 3V7
Kentville Éclairages - Appareils - Détaillants
1572 Highway 359 Centreville, NS, B0P 1J0
Locally Owned & Operated for over 30 years. Working to Build a Better Tomorrow! 5 locations throughout the Valley to serve you better! Complete line of quality building materials - Collect AIR MILES
Berwick Éclairages - Appareils - Détaillants
1399 Rte 221 Greenwood, NS, B0P 1N0
Greenwood Métaux
188 Joseph Zatzman Dr Dartmouth, NS, B3B 1N4
Need a roof? Consider Metal roofing! Scotia Metal is a local manufacturer of quality steel roofing & siding available in a variety of colours. See our gallery on-line or visit our showroom today.
Dartmouth Entrepreneurs en toitures & couvreurs
4733 Hwy 1 Annapolis Royal, NS
Annapolis Royal Éclairages - Appareils - Détaillants
4147 Hwy 1 NS
Peinture - Détaillants